Preceptor Training Videos – NONPF

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has created several instructional videos to help preceptors prepare for working with students:

Precepting the Acute Care NP Student

Watch NP faculty actors play the roles of the NP and preceptor in the acute care setting. Pick up tips on reasonable expectations for the student role.

Working with the Overly Confident NP Student

This vignette offers preceptors strategies on how to recognize and work with the overly confident and confrontational NP student.

Precepting in an Interprofessional Educational Clinic Model

This instructional video prepares clinical preceptors in the facilitation of an interprofessional education experience for students of healthcare professions who will have clinical experience is a community practice setting.

Precepting in a Busy Clinic

Finding time to mentor students in a busy clinic can be difficult. This video helps preceptors prepare for such a scenario.

Precepting the Primary Care NP Student

Watch NP faculty actors play the roles of the NP and preceptor in the primary care setting. Pick up tips on reasonable expectations for the student role.

Working with the Overly Sensitive NP Student

This vignette offers preceptors strategies on how to overcome the challenges of working with the overly sensitive NP student.

Preparing NP Students for Pediatric Clinical Experiences

This video helps preceptors prepare students for working with younger patients in a clinical setting.